Resolutions: Three Words for the New Year

Dreams and GoalsNew Year’s resolutions are not something I normally do each year – instead, I work on yearly business and personal goals each January. I’ve read a few posts lately though, where people are choosing three words for 2012, as an alternative to resolutions.

This sounds like a unique way to create a plan that centers on the most important things in your business (or life), so I’m posting my three words as my business resolutions to hold myself accountable and to share with you:

Focus – Share – Grow

Focus: to focus on the most important things in my business; the items on my To-Do List that move my business forward (not necessarily the things that I like to do or I find easy to do). To focus on 3 top priorities every day that will make my business stand out.

Share: to share the knowledge that I’ve gathered over the years about running a home business and being a WAHM with even more people who can benefit from it; to help other business owners and mompreneurs learn from my mistakes and successes so they can move forward quickly.

Grow: to grow in my business and in my personal development, with goals twice as big as last year’s, as I step out of my comfort zones; to learn something new everyday; to set aside weekly time for my own training and education in my business; to read at least one new personal growth book each month.

Next I plan on posting my three words on my desk so I can look at them everyday (sounds like a good reason to clean up my desk and re-organize my work space for the new year).

Do you have three words chosen for 2012? Share them here or on my Facebook Page – I’d love to hear them!