New Year, New You in 2023
Well, we’ve made it to another year! Hooray for us 🙂 Now it’s time to reflect on what went well and what didn’t go so well over the past year and make plans for a great year ahead.
Social Media Strategy, Training & Management for Small Business
Well, we’ve made it to another year! Hooray for us 🙂 Now it’s time to reflect on what went well and what didn’t go so well over the past year and make plans for a great year ahead.
How do you start the new year? With resolutions? Goals? A word (or 3) of the Year? Affirmations? A vision board?
I’ve done all of the above over the years, and can’t really say I have a favorite system…it all depends on what season of my life I’ve been in at the time.
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Do you ever feel like giving up on a goal? We all do! With any big goal you set, there are probably times when you doubt yourself, want to quit or wonder how you ever thought this was a good idea!
Do you find it a challenge to set goals for your business or personal life? Ideally, a goal should move you out of your comfort zone, but still be attainable. So use your answers to these 7 questions to make the goal-setting process more successful in your business and personal life.