5 Tips for Work-Life Balance During Stressful Situations

5 Tips for Work Life Balance During Stress
Does it ever feel like you’re juggling way too many things in your daily routine: Your business? Your family? Your personal goals?

Most of us tend to over-commit and then over-schedule ourselves. We feel confident we can just barely make those deadlines. Then, along comes some unexpected event that either good or bad, adds more stress (and responsibilities) and throws the whole grand plan into chaos.

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This Week’s Motivation: Balance is Boundary Management


Work Life Balance is Better Boundary Management

I love the quote below about balance being better boundary management, not better time management! Setting those boundaries for career, family and personal time makes it easier to make the right choices.



Do you have a separate space at home designated for work: either a room or a special table/desk in a family area that is only used for business?

Can you set boundaries for yourself? When you get online for business purposes, are you able to focus on using social media for work only or do you get distracted by family posts on Facebook or “wish-list” items on Pinterest?

Today is a perfect example for me of setting boundaries and making choices: my daughter has a day off from school. Do I sleep in since she won’t be getting up at her normal time or do I get up at the usual time to get my work done so I can spend some time with her later?

For me, sticking to a regular routine and schedule is the best way to keep my boundaries balanced between work and family time. Hope this quote inspires you to find more balance by managing boundaries in your home!

Top photo courtesy of MorgueFile.com