Yearly Goals, Resolutions and Themes – Here are Mine

Setting Goals with a Yearly ThemePurpose – Persistence – Presence

Do you make New Year’s resolutions or set yearly goals? I used to make a list of resolutions, but then found that choosing a 3-word “theme” for the direction of the upcoming year worked out better for me. It serves more as a guideline as I work on monthly or quarterly goals (plus, I don’t have the guilt that comes with breaking resolutions anymore!)

Whether you make a list of resolutions, choose a theme for the year, or simply make a list of your top goals for the year…just taking the time to think about how you want to map out the upcoming year puts you ahead of so many others who simply “fly by the seat of their pants” when trying to run a business, change careers, or reach a personal milestone.

Sharing your New Year’s goals, resolutions or theme with others definitely makes you more accountable as well, so here are my 3 words for 2014:

Purpose: In some ways, it felt like my purpose in 2013 was simply to react to the next big thing that came my way…I felt like I had much less control over the direction things were moving in my business and personal life.

So in 2014, I will narrow down and pin-point my purpose: in my role in the family business and in the milestones I want to reach this year personally as well.

Defining my purpose is a work-in-progress during the month of January; but once I’ve got it down, it will lead to making better choices on where I put the most effort in my business and personal life.

Persistence: When things get a little crazy, I tend to give in or give up on some of the bigger goals I’ve set for myself. So in 2014, I will practice persistence in taking action, working on my monthly/quarterly goals and finishing the big projects on my list.

Presence: Again, when things are hectic, it’s so easy to quickly go from one project or event to the next, without much thought…other than just to get them done. And sometimes, the things that I should be enjoying the most are just items I’m crossing off my To-Do list.

So in 2014, I’m going to be more present in the moment, by focusing on the thing at hand (especially when its one of the big things in my life and business) and aggressively reducing distractions while I’m taking part (or working on) the most important things.

What do you think? Want to share your resolutions or theme for the year? I’d love to hear them!

Image courtesy of iStock/Rich Legg

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