20+ Prompts to Get your New Year Off to a Great Start

20+ Prompts for New Years Resolutions

How do you get your New Year off to a great start? Do you make Resolutions? Or use a Word or Theme of the year? Guided prompts or questions can help you clarify your goals, and I’ve got more than 20 to share with you!

Here are 2 fantastic resources to help you reflect on last year and start off strong in the new year:

(1) 25 Powerful Prompts to Help You Pick Your New Year’s Resolution | PsychCentral

A few prompts from this article:

“What memories do you want to create?”

“Think back to a time in your life when you felt the happiest or most fulfilled”

“Create a collage of words and images that you connect to.”

(2) 19 Daily Journal Prompts that Will Change the Way You Begin 2019 |  marcandangel.com

And a few prompts from this article:

“What truly DOES matter to you most right now?”

“What’s one thing you would do differently if you knew no one would judge you?”

“What’s something true about yourself that you need to embrace more openly and lovingly in the year ahead?”

My Theme for the New Year: Balance

I don’t really like New Year’s Resolutions. I prefer choosing 1-3 words or a theme for the year that focus on the big picture or direction I want to move in.

Then I’ll use yearly/quarterly/ monthly goals for my personal life and business.

I’ve always had a focus on finding and maintaining a work/life balance, but it feels more important than ever now, maybe in part because the digital world seems to move at a much faster pace each year (while I somehow get older and a little slower each year 😉 ) so I’m going to prioritize it again in all areas of my life:

Balancing the negative around me with positive intentions on my part: The world at large spends more time on the negative stories, news, and people rather than the good things, especially with the help of the internet/social media.

That negativity weighs on you, especially as we spend more time on social media. Finding ways to create my own “positive” spaces in the online world helps me maintain a healthy balance and I’ll continue to make it a priority, and hopefully help others do the same.

Balancing the online world with the offline world: I made a conscious effort to read more books (hardback/paperback NOT digital) this past year to take myself off of digital devices for some period of time every day. I’m making this offline time a permanent part of my daily schedule.

Balancing business and personal priorities: Putting the focus on the most important things for each area rather than overloading my To-Do lists with items that we’d call “busy work”.  Being busy does not necessarily mean I’m being productive or taking the best actions for myself or my business.

What are your resolutions, words or themes for the new year?

I hope you found the resources on guided prompts helpful, and if you’d like to share your resolutions, words or themes for 2019 with me, leave a comment here or connect on my Facebook Page:  

Keep a balance in your life

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