Find Time to Learn a New Skill (With a Busy Schedule)

Make time for learning new skills

You may have the desire to learn something new and know it will make a difference in your business (or life), but with your busy schedule, how do you find time to learn a new skill?

If you start a new job or work at a larger company with established training programs, then a system is already in place for you and time is built into your workday for training. That training program ensures the time, focus and action necessary to master a new skill.

So as a business owner or entrepreneur, develop your own training program! It doesn’t have to be anything complicated; just a simple system that you follow when you learn a new skill. Your time is valuable! By setting up an organized system that you put into place when you learn a new skill, you won’t feel like you’ve wasted time (or money) trying to learn something that you never use again.

So what would a simple training program look like? Follow these steps each time you want to learn a new skill in your business:

(1) Schedule “training” time into your weekly schedule. Don’t think you can just squeeze in the time to learn something – by putting your training time on your weekly schedule, you are making it a priority. It might mean you get up an hour earlier each day or stay up an hour later each night – but we can all find an extra hour here and there in our regular schedule.

(2) Take immediate action with each new skill. The best way to retain something you’ve just been taught is to take action.  If you are attending a teleseminar on how to upload a YouTube video, practice that skill as soon as the event has ended.  We see this with our kids all the time – you show your child how to tie her shoe and immediately ask her to try it – if she watches you but never participates, trying it on her own later is going to be more difficult.

(3) Teach someone else how to do it. Do you find that one of the best ways to learn (and retain) information about a subject is to teach that subject to someone else?  If I have attended an event or watched a video on how to deal with new Facebook changes (creating Custom Lists for example); then showing one of my clients how to do it is going to guarantee that knowledge sticks with me.

(4) Give yourself credit. If you are in the process of learning a new skill and it’s slow-going or a bit frustrating, keep yourself motivated.  Acknowledge the progress you make each step of the way. Have you written down the steps necessary to learn the new skill? Then also keep track of what steps you have completed along the way. Do you use goal posters? Make a “What I Have Learned Today” poster as well.

As business owners or entrepreneurs, we may already have so much on our plates that the thought of learning a new skill sounds too stressful. But with a system in place, we can find time to learn new skills, put them into practice and see the positive results in our business (and ourselves).

“Develop a passion for learning.
If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
Anthony J. D’Angelo

This article was originally published League Computer Solutions, Inc.

photo credit (derived from): Oleh Slobodeniuk via photopin cc