How to Silence My Worst Critic

After many years of constantly trying to please the important people in my life: my family, my teachers, my bosses, my husband, my friends, my children…I’ve finally realized who the hardest one to please really is – my worst critic


I’ve spent some time lately learning more about the effects of negative self-talk.  I don’t know if you’re guilty of it too, but I’ve realized just how badly I talk to myself.

I wouldn’t talk to my family that way. I definitely never talked to a boss or teacher that way. Any criticism my friends offer (only thinking of what’s best for me of course) would never sound as negative as some of the things I say to myself.

I don’t know how or why we become our own worst critic and I’m sure the answer is a very complex one. But what really matters now is learning how to become my biggest fan instead.

Here are a few tips I’m trying:

  • Whenever negative self-talk starts, I immediately replace it with a positive affirmation.
  • I’m starting my day with positive self-talk and affirmations. My first thoughts of the day will be positive ones and I’ll focus on the goals I plan to reach.
  • If something unexpected happens to interfere with my schedule (from traffic to sick kids to a broken washing machine), I will remind myself of how quickly I can adapt in a crisis. I’ll get back on track when the crisis is over.
  • I am keeping track of my daily accomplishments. Sometimes it feels as if I didn’t get much done, but by actually writing down my accomplishments, I can see the daily progress I’m making toward my goals (small steps forward are better than no steps).

Do you catch yourself being your own worst critic too? Let me know if you’ve found any good ways to overcome it and we can cheer each other on towards a more positive state of mind!

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

How to Keep a Positive Attitude (in Your Business)

Business Tip How to Keep a Positive Attitude

All small business owners and entrepreneurs experience frustration with business goals at some point – think of it as a part of the learning process!  But it’s important to find a way to keep a positive attitude.

Continue reading “How to Keep a Positive Attitude (in Your Business)”