Personal Blog

Tune Into Your Customers’ Emotions During COVID | Weekly Resources

Weekly Resources: Tune into your customers’ emotional cues during COVID-19

Is it safe to say we’re all feeling a little more emotional during this pandemic? Business owners are certainly more stressed now but so are our customers and clients.

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Social Media Predictions for a post-COVID World

Weekly Resources: Social Media Predictions Post COVID-19

What will social media strategies look like in a post-COVID world? How can your business start planning now for today’s new “normal” and the upcoming “back-to-normal” world?

I’m sharing some helpful resources this week that include other marketers’ predictions, interesting statistics since the pandemic started, plus updates from Facebook on hashtags (!) and more.
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New Rules and Back to Basics During COVID-19 | Weekly Resources

Weekly Resources: New Rules or Back to Basics During COVID-19

Many small businesses in the U.S. “pivoted” during the pandemic. If you’ve made some changes that are working for you, then great!

But if you’re wondering where to start or what else to do, then I’ve got some interesting articles to share this week on how a small business (or solopreneur) can create a successful digital marketing strategy in our challenging times.
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Small Business Pivots During the Pandemic | Weekly Resources

Weekly Resources: Small Businesses have re-invented themselves during the pandemic

What have you changed in your small business during the pandemic?  If you didn’t have to make any changes, then you’re in a small minority it seems.

Over 90% of small business owners in the U.S. have made some type of change, and you can learn more about it in one of this week’s resources. Continue reading “Small Business Pivots During the Pandemic | Weekly Resources”