Personal Blog

7 Quick Ways to Regain Your Focus


7 Quick Ways to Regain Your Focus in Your Home Office

Stuck in the middle of a project and things just aren’t going the way you want them to? Or have you been trying to focus, but find your mind wandering to any idea but the one you really need to concentrate on?

What you need is a break from the task at hand!

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Move Your Business Forward By Taking Action

Move your business forward by taking action

Are you struggling to get things done in your business? Here is a motivating quote for you:

“Thought is action in rehearsal.”
~ Sigmund Freud

You can apply this quote to your life in several different ways; but for me, it provides insight on taking action instead of getting stuck by overthinking things.

As small business owners, we need to recognize that great thoughts and ideas don’t do us much good if we don’t act upon them.

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3 Facebook Features to Organize Your News Feed

3 Facebook Features to Organize Your NewsFeed

Optimizing your business time on Facebook can be a challenge. Because let’s all admit it: it’s way too easy to get distracted by cute kitten videos and suddenly realize we’ve lost an hour (or more)! But there are several built-in features to help organize your News Feed and save time when you’re using the site for business.

[updated 7-6-18]
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