4 Things to Consider in Your Social Media Strategy

4 Tips for your Social Media Strategy

Social media constantly changes: new platforms, new features on those platforms, new tools…it’s a challenge to keep up! But no matter what type of business or personal brand you own, social media is here to stay and you need to put a strategy in place for your business.

But, before you jump on 5 different social sites just because you’ve heard they are the latest, hottest trends, it’s important to consider what makes sense for your business in the long run.

Social media requires a long-term investment: whether that is your time, your money or both. And since every business is unique, your social media strategy should be tailored to your business’ specific goals.

So here are 4 things to consider when planning your social media strategy:

1. Consider Your Time

With so many different social networks available (and new ones popping up all the time), most small business owners simply do not have enough time in the day to be everywhere.

So you need to choose a few sites to focus on, and then have specific goals for those accounts.

You may see big brands create and post 5 articles or videos each week, but if you are a one-person team, or have limited staff, then 5-10 new pieces of content each week is usually not a realistic goal.

Instead, consider the best use of your “social media” time…and that is determined in large part by the next consideration:

2. Consider Your Audience

Knowing where your ideal clients spend the majority of their time on social media will help you decide which sites to focus on. It’s also important to note the content type they engage with the most.

Check out industry influencer and competitor sites, ask current clients, search for topics your ideal client has an interest in, and then check out the most popular forms of content: blogs, videos, podcasts, etc.

Too many marketers make the mistake of focusing their efforts on a social site they enjoy, or on a site that well-known brands use the most.

But you need to be where your target audience is spending their time! If they are very active on Pinterest, but you don’t care for that site and consequently never go there, then you’re missing out!

3. Consider Your Content

Speaking of content, your considerations here play an important role in your daily social media actions.

In the short term, all business owners can usually come up with a few great ideas for the content they want to post on social media. That excitement and enthusiasm are great when launching your social media profiles.

But at the same time, think long-term: what value will your social media sites offer 6 months from now? Do you have a long-term content marketing plan?

Will you run monthly specials on social media? Are there certain seasons when you are busier than others? Are you launching a new product or service every 3 months?

Create a “master” content calendar that takes a look at the whole year or at least the next 6 months. Sometimes it works well to create quarterly content calendars with significant goals and themes. Then make more detailed monthly/weekly content calendars.

Give your target audience a reason to keep visiting and engaging with your social sites: educational, helpful, inspirational content is a much better long-term plan than simply trying to sell stuff.

4. Consider Your Purpose

What is the purpose of your business? What problems do you solve for clients?

Answer those questions and then consider how the purpose (unique value) of your business can be shared across your social networks.

For example:

Make a list of 5-10 problems your business solves.

Then write the solutions to those problems.

Now you can put together content that focuses on those problems and their solutions, and make them a regular part of your posts on social media.


Any questions? Message me or contact me for a free consultation. 

4 Things to consider when planning your social media strategy

Top image courtesy of and derived from Pixabay

Updated 7-25-23

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