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A Guide to Using GIFs in Your Posts | Social Media Must Reads

Social Media Must Reads 042218

Are you using GIFs or emojis in your social posts and messages? Even for businesses on social media, you may want to consider incorporating these visuals in your posting and response strategy.

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Visual Marketing Stats | Social Media Must-Reads

Visual Marketing - Social Media Must Reads 041518

Are visuals a big part of your digital marketing strategy? They should be! Studies show that including visuals in your content increases views and retention.

Learn more about visuals below in my collection of “must-read” resources this week.

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Instagram as an Alternative to Facebook? | Social Media Must-Reads

Social Media Must Reads 040818

Should Instagram be your alternative to Facebook? Even before the data privacy scandal and #DeleteFacebook movement occurred, some significant changes were announced that may affect small business owners’ marketing efforts on this platform.

If you’ve noticed declining Reach on your Facebook business page, and less engagement from fans/followers, then adding Instagram to your marketing mix may be a good way to combat both of those problems.

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Social Media in Crisis? | Must-Read Posts from the Week

Social Media in Crisis and Other Weekly Must Reads

Are we entering a “crisis” mode in social media marketing? Get answers to that question from the top article of the week, plus more helpful tips for your small business.

Each week I share a list of the “must-read” posts from all the resources I follow. Use it as a way to quickly stay up-to-date on current events, trends, and news from top social media platforms and experts.

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